September 2, 2008

Helena Honcoopová


Director of the Collection of Oriental Art
National Gallery in Prague

Ph.D., Czech specialist on Japanese art and literature

Biographical dates:
1967–1972  graduated from Japanese and English studies at the Charles University – M.A.
1972–1983  worked as Japanese art curator for the National Gallery in Prague
1983–1985  Ph.D. degree exams at CH.U.
1986–1989   free-lanced translator and interpreter specializing on classical music
1990–1994  chairperson of the Czech National Section of the European Culture Club
1994–2002  National Gallery in Prague (Národní galerie v Praze), curator of Japanese art
Since 2003 – National Gallery in Prague – Director of the Collection of Oriental Art
Since 2004 – board member of the European Network of Japanese Art Collections (Enjac).


Chief Publications:
Japanese Graphic Art from the Collection of the National Gallery in Prague, Óhta Kinnen Ukiyoe Bijutsukan, Tokyo 1994, Hyakunin Isshu translation and facsimile of Eisen´s HI illustrations, NG Prague 1996, Books Carved into the Wood, exhibition catalogue, NG Prague 1996, Japanese Illustrated Books and Manuscripts from the National Gallery in Prague (with M. Koike , A. P. Rezner, a descriptive catalogue with 664 ehon and kachó titles), NG Prague 1998, Japan reflected in the books of Joe Hloucha (Japan v knihách Joe Hlouchy – on Hloucha´s ehon collecting) in:  Revolver Revue, Prague 1999On the Mountains in the Heart of Japanese Literati (O horách v srdci japonských literátů, a treatise on Kameda Bósai´s Kyóchúzan), Dharmagaia Prague 2001, Japanese Woodcuts from the Collection of the National Gallery in Prague (Kyoto National Museum, 2002), Japanese Erotic Art in: The Ring, Universitas Masarykiana, Brno, 2003, The Golden Age of Ukiyoe (Zlatý věk ukiyoe, best prints in the collections of ukiyoe from the Pilsen Arts and Crafts Museum, NG Prague, 2004, Kunisada –the Late Master of Japanese Woodcut ( Kunisada- mistr pozdního japonského dřevořezu, a descriptive catalogue with 420 prints) NG Prague 2005, Landscapes, Birds and Flowers (Krajiny, ptáci a květiny, exhibition catalogue on NG Jap. paintings and prints from the 18th and 19th centuries, NG Prague 2006) , Black on White – Modern Japanese Calligraphy (Černá na bílé – moderní japonská kaligrafie, 77 best calligraphies from NG in the Gallery of Fine Arts in Cheb 2007), Umění Koreje/ The Art of Korea (edit. catalogue of a loan exhibition from the National Museum of Korea,edit.), NG Prague 2007, Figural Painting of East Asia (Figurální malba Východní Asie.- editor ofLubor Hájek´s post mortem catalogue of figural paitings from Czech collections of NG and Náprstek Museum), NG Prague 2008.
Recently working on NG Ósaka prints database.