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Co-hosted with the Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies (RCGS), the 87th International ARC Seminar will be held on Wednesday, June 30, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

1. Description of Game Resources Using Linked Data (Linked Dataによるゲーム資料の記述)

Speaker: Kazufumi FUKADA (Lecturer, Department of Digital Entertainment, International Professional University of Technology in Osaka)

2. The Essential Problem for the Archiving of "Game Music" (「 ゲーム音楽」の保存にむけての諸問題 )

Speaker: Takashi OBANA (Associate Professor, Department of Digital Entertainment, International Professional University of Technology in Osaka)

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Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: online, free of charge (no reservation required)

*Please note that only the first part of this webinar will be broadcasted via YouTube.

The International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, will be co-hosting the 2021 Annual Conference of the Japan Art Documentation Society (JADS) on June 19 (Sat) and 20 (Sun), 2021.

You are cordially invited to join us.

■ Date:

June 19 (Sat) 13:00 - 17:00

June 20 (Sun) 10:00 - 16:15

■ Participation method:

The conference will be held online.

*Please note that the conference will not be held on the Kinugasa Campus of Ritsumeikan University.

*Details regarding the online access to the conference and the conference proceedings (PDF) will be informed separately.

*Any change in the outline of the conference will be announced via the conference mailing list (ML). If you have not yet registered for the ML, please do so.

■ Participation fee:

Free of charge for both JADS members and non-members.

*A paper version of the proceedings will not be published this year. Please print out the PDF file of the proceedings if required.

■ Registration:

Please register via our application form.

*Upon registration, an automatic email will be sent to you with details to access the conference and the proceedings.

Application deadline: June 18 (Fri), 2021

*This conference is open to both members and non-members, except for the general meeting on the second day.

Organized by: Japan Art Documentation Society (JADS) and the MEXT International Joint Usage / Research Center International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

Supported by: 記録管理学会 、情報処理学会人文科学とコンピュータ研究会、情報知識学会、人文系データベース協議会、全国大学史資料協議会、全国美術館会議、全国歴史資料保存利用機関連絡協議会、専門図書館協議会、デジタルアーカイブ学会、日本アーカイブズ学会、日本アートマネジメント学会、日本デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ学会、日本ミュージアム・マネージメント学会

For inquiries, please contact:

Organizing Committee for the 2021 Annual Conference of the Japan Art Documentation Society
jads_conf2021■ (Please change "■" to "@")

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Due to the extension of the state of emergency declared by Kyoto Prefecture, we regret to inform that this event has been changed to a non-audience event. The event will be recorded and the video distributed as scheduled from July 1 (Thurs) to August 31 (Tues). Please refer to the registration details below to apply for watching the event video online.

Those who have already applied for the on-site event will be contacted individually.

祇園祭・鷹山の復興 ~2022年の山鉾巡行に向かって~祇園祭・鷹山の復興 ~2022年の山鉾巡行に向かって~

The Gion Festival in Kyoto, designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO, is one of the most important Japanese festivals.

A highlight of the festival is the magnificent parade of decorated floats known as the Yamahoko Junkō.

Amongst these, the Taka-yama float boasts a long history of participating in the parade that dates back to the 15th century.

However, the float has been absent from the festival since 1826, when a great storm damaged its decorations. The situation was further worsened by a fire that destroyed most parts of the float in 1864.

In recent years, there has been a movement to revive the Taka-yama float - a long-cherished wish of the townspeople.

Finally, the Taka-yama float is due to return to the Gion Festival in July 2022 for the first time in 200 years.

Besides reporting on the progress of its reconstruction and showcasing its return in a virtual Yamohoko parade, this event also intends to expand the circle of Takayama supporters and raise the momentum for its long-anticipated return to the Gion Festival.

*The event will be held in Japanese.

Date: June 19 (Saturday), 2021 13:00 - 16:00 (entry from 12:00)

Organizer: The Asahi Shimbun

Co-organizers: Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, Taka-yama Preservation Association

Supported by: Kyoto City, NHK Kyoto Broadcasting Station, Gion Festival Yamahoko Association

Sponsored by: Hatena Co., Ltd


1. Attend the event at the venue → The event has been changed to a non-audience event.

For inquiries, please contact: 06-6201-0638 (weekdays 10am-5pm)

2. Watch the event video online (available from July 1 - August 31, 2021)

Please register by scanning the QR code on the flyer or go to the events section on the 朝日 ID-website.

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The 86th International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, June 2, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

Museum management: Providing services by utilizing resources (「博物館経営に係る経営資源とサービスとの連関」)

Speaker: Yoshiyuki SENKAI (Executive Board Member and Director, Itsuō Art Museum; Ichizo Kobayashi Memorial Museum; and Ikeda Bunko, Hankyu Culture Foundation)

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Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: online, free of charge (no reservation required)

*This Webinar is open to everyone, and non-ARC members are also invited to participate via YouTube.

The 85th International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, May 26, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

1. Reorganization of the Nagae Family's Former Collection and its Future Prospect (「長江家旧蔵資料の再整理と今後の展望」)

Speaker: Hirotaka SATO (Assistant Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

2. A Yet Another Trial to Apply Deep Learning Technologies to the Digitized Images of the Databases of the Art Research Center Owned Materials (「アート・リサーチセンター所蔵資料データベースのデジタル化された画像に深層学習技術を適用する取り組み」)

Speaker: Biligsaikhan BATJARGAL (Senior Researcher, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)

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Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: Online via Zoom (free of charge)

*Please note that only the first part of this webinar will be broadcasted via YouTube.

第二回 立命館大学-清華大学 国際学術シンポジウム   第二回 立命館大学-清華大学 国際学術シンポジウム

第二届 立命馆大学-清华大学国际学术研讨会   第二届 立命馆大学-清华大学国际学术研讨会

The Art Research Center (ARC) is pleased to announce that the 2nd Ritsumeikan University - Tsinghua University International Academic Symposium on Japan-China Cultural Exchange and New Coordinates for Humanities will be held on Saturday, May 22, 2021.

Date and time: May 22 (Saturday), 2021 14:00 - 18:20

Format: Online via Zoom (with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and Chinese)


School of Humanities, Tsinghua University

Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University

International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

Supported by: Program for Asia-Japan Research Development "Research on Creation and Development of Asian Arts Studies", Ritsumeikan University

Participation: Free of charge

How to register: Please send us an e-mail with the subject line "「【申込】清華大学・立命館大学国際学術シンポジウム」" and your name, affiliation and e-mail address to:

We will send you the link for Zoom after we receive your application.

For inquiries, please contact:

Art Research Center, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University.

Tel: 075-465-8476 (Mon-Fri 9:00-17:30)

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The 84th International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, May 12, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows (20 minutes each, including 5 minutes for Q&A):

1. 18:00 - 18:20 

Topic: Documenting Traditional Crafts in Kyoto: Focusing on 3D Photogrammetry of a Climbing Kiln

Speaker: Masaaki KIDACHI (Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

2. 18:20 - 18:40

Topic: Candi Borobudur: Its Relief Styles (チャンディ・ボロブドゥール:浮彫の様式)

Speaker: Takahiro NISHIBAYASHI (Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

3. 18:40 - 19:00

Topic: Appeal Improvement for Cultural Assets Advertisement Following Scriptwriting Technique (脚本術に従った文化資産広告シナリオの訴求力向上)

Speaker: Hiromitsu SHIMAKAWA (Professor, College of Information Science & Engineering)

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Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: Online via Zoom (free of charge)

*Please note that this webinar will not be broadcasted via YouTube.

The 83rd International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, April 28, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

1. The Problem of Distance in Digital Art History: Using the ResearchSpace Knowledge system to capture research methods and thinking. (in English)

Speaker: Dominic Oldman (Head of ResearchSpace & Senior Curator, British Museum, UK)

Abstract: This paper describes a different approach to the use of digital technology and particularly data. This approach views computer systems not just as a way of publishing quantitative references and finding aids but also as environments for representing thinking, interpretations, and arguments. It will use examples from various projects, including the British Museum's Late Hokusai site. These examples show how principles of knowledge representation can be combined with humanities research methods to remove fragmentation and represent complex context. In doing so, ResearchSpace addresses the intellectual, as well as physical aspects, required to fully investigate and analyse research questions using digital tools.

2. Various Needs of Chinese Classics in East Asia / 東アジアにおける漢籍需要の多様性 (in Japanese)

Speaker: Riku TONO (Assistant Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)

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Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: online, free of charge (no reservation required)

*This Webinar is open to everyone, and non-ARC members are also invited to participate.

Please click here to watch the Webinar on YouTube.

Webinar | Scenic Views and Supernatural Beings: New Themes in 19th-century Ukiyo-e Prints

The Art Research Center (ARC) is pleased to annouce the Academic Exchange Webinar Scenic Views and Supernatural Beings: New Themes in 19th-century Ukiyo-e Prints--organized by JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles--with Hollis Goodall, Curator of Japanese Art, LACMA and advisor to Scripps College, Claremont and Professor Ryo Akama (College of Letters, RU), Deputy Director of the ARC.

Date & Time: Tues, 20 April, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (JST) / Mon, April 19, 2021 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM (PDT)

Participation: Online (Registration required)

Program & Registration Link:

Organizer: JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles

The 82nd International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, April 14, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

"Muslim Material Cultures of Maritime Asia" (in English)

Speaker: R. Michael Feener (Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University / Associate Member, Faculty of History, University of Oxford)

This presentation presents an introduction to the art and architecture of the Maritime Muslim world of Southern Asia, tracing the historical processes through which Islam took root in diverse societies across this interconnected region, as they simultaneously came to be integrated within an expanding world of Islam over the medieval and early modern periods.

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Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: online, free of charge (no reservation required)

*This Webinar is open to everyone, and non-ARC members are also invited to participate.

Please click here to watch the Webinar on YouTube.

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