Feeling Noh

Time: Aug 30-Sep14
Aug 30 (Thu), Sept 3 (Mon), Sept 5 (Wed)
Sept 10 (Mon) Sept 14 (Fri)
Day course: 2-4 pm
Evening course: 6:30-8:30 pm
Place: Osaka Prefectural Bunka Joho Center Saikaku Hall
Application deadline: Aug 10 (30 persons limit)

Participation fee: 10.000 yen includes everything
To apply send a return post card with information about your
address, name (Japanese reading in furigana), age, phone no.
course of interest and prefered medium for teaching material (video tape or dvd)
Osaka Shiritsu Bunka Joho Center: Kanjiru Noh
Osaka Prefecture Shin-bekkan Kita Kan Ground  Floor
Otemae 3-1-43, Chuo Ward
Osaka City
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