62th Kyoto Takigi Noh 2nd Day

Date and Time

Jun 3 (Fri)
(Performance is expected to be finished around 20:45)


Heian Jingu Shrine

(If it rains, it will be held at the nearby Kyoto Kaikan, Hall 1)


All Seats Non Reserved
General 3.000 yen (4.000 yen on the day)
There is a pre-sale discount ticket for groups (Minimum 15 persons) 2.700 yen per person. On sale since April 25th)

Kanze School Noh: Yoro (Nurturing the Aged)
Performed by Sugiura Toyohiko

Kanze School Noh: Jinen Koji (Jinen The Preacher)
Performed by Aoki Michiyoshi

Performances with fire ~ Welcome message

Kanze School Noh: Izutsu (The Well Cradle)
Performed by Hayashi Kiemon

Ogura School Kyogen: Kanazu
Performed by Shigeyama Sengoro

Kongo School Noh: Shakkyo - Oshishi (The Stone Bridge - Great Mythical Chinese Lions)(
Performed by Hirota Yukitoshi and Teshima Yukihiro

Information 075-771-6114

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