61th Kyoto Takigi Noh 2nd Day

Date and Time

June 2 (Wed)


Heian Jingu Shrine
(If it rains, it will be held at the nearby Kyoto Kaikan, Hall 1)


General 3.000 yen (4.000 yen on the day)
There is a pre-sale discount ticket for groups (Minimum 15 persons) 2.700 yen per person. On sale since April 25th)

A walk through Kyoto's Historical Sites

Kanze School Noh: Arashiyama
Performed by Urabe Yukihiro and Fukano Shinjiro

Kanze School Hanno: Gio
Performed by Kongo Hisanori

Ogura School Kyogen: Onigawara (The Demon-Faced Tile)
Performed by Shigeyama Sengoro

Kongo School Noh: Tsuchigumo (The Earth Spider)
Performed by Mikata Madoka and Hashimoto Koji

Information 075-771-7230

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