Performance by the Chikamatsu Troop
Dates: May 19th - 27th
Time: Afternoon performance 11am; Evening performance 4:30 pm
Places: Various (see below for details)
The 18th Kabuki Production of the Chikamatsu Troop: In Celebration of Sakata Tojuro's "Name-Taking" (Shumei)
In commemoration of Sakata Tojuro IV’s assumption of this name, his troop, "Chikamatsu-za," will be performing "Kagami jishi" and "Kuruwa bunsho" exclusively in cities related to Chikamatsu Monzaemon. The production will be staged at various locations between May 19th to the 27th.
May 19th and 20th (Namikiri Hall), 21th (Osaka NHK Hall), 22nd (Kobe Kokusai Hall), 23rd and 24th (Kyoto City Geijutsu gekijo, Shunjuza), 26th and 27th (Renessa Nagakato)
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