Kamigata Kabuki Performance
Time: Aug 19 (Tue) and 20 (Wed)
Day performance: 11 am
Evening performance: 4 pm
Place: National Kabuki Theatre
Performance content:
Honcho junishiko-1 act, 2 scenes (the residence of Kenshin and the insence burner, the fox fires in the garden)
Kanadehon Chushingura-1 act (the Gion Ichirikiya scene)
Entrance fee:
General public 3.500 yen
Students: 2.500 yen
Information: Tel.06(6212)2531
Ticket reservations:
Tel. 0570(07)9900(navidial)
Tel. 03(3230)3000 (PHS, IP phone)
TrackbackURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_field/mt-tb.cgi/4200