21 Kabuki Forum
Time: Feb 13 (Tue) 2 pm
Place: Kyoto University of Art and Design (Kyoto Zokei Geijutsu Daigaku), the Shunju-za stage
Performance contents:
1) Enjoying Kabuki-The Beauty of Kabuki
2) Kabuki Dance: Niwakajishi
3) Tsurionna
4) Oishi saishi wakare (Relates to Plots from Chushingura and Goban Taiheiki)
Entrance Fee
S seats general: 4.500 yen
Students: 3.500 yen
A seats general: 4.000 yen
Student: 3.000 yen
Tickets purchased on the day are 500 yen up
TrackbackURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_field/mt-tb.cgi/4139