Kabuki at Osaka Shochiku Theater
Date: April 1st-8th Time: Part One 11am; Part Two 2:45 pm; Part Three 7pm Place: Osaka Shochiku Theater
The Osaka Shochiku Theater has put together a series of performances by young and talented actors in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of its post-renovation reopening. Part One will feature the popular vendetta play, "The Revenge at Tengajaya" (Katakiuchi tengajaya mura). Part Two will consist of two kabuki dances, "Goro in the Rain" (Ame no Goro) and "Kasane" (Iromoyo chotto karimame), and an act from "The Love Suicides at Sonezaki" (Sonezaki shinju). The evening performance will feature "A Mirror of the Osaka Summer Festival" (Natsumatsuri Naniwa kagami) whose climax is a horrible but beautifully stylized murder scene that is one of the most memorable in the history of kabuki. Prices: First tier 8000 yen; Second tier 4000 yen; Third tier 2000 yen
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