Kabuki Performance for the Grand Opening of the Eirakukan Theatre
Period: Aug 1 (Fri)-5(Tue)
Day performance:11:30 am
Evening performance: 4 pm
Place: Eirakukan Theatre (Izushi)
Performance content:
1) Pupeteered Sambaso
2) Official Kojo Announcement of the opening of the Eirakukan Theatre
3) Yakko Dojoji
Performing actors: Kataoka Ainosuke, Nakamura Kazutaro, Kataoka Hidetaro
Entrance fee:
A seats 10.000 yen
B seats: 8.000 yen
Information: Tel. 0796-21-9029
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A seats 10.000 yen
B seats: 8.000 yen
Information: Tel. 0796-21-9029
TrackbackURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_field/mt-tb.cgi/4199