Applications Approved by the Center


FY2012 (Application No.: 2012WYYR04)
Shinya Maezaki / Ritsumeikan University Postdoctoral fellow
Research Group: Japanese Culture
Objectives and Plans that You Applied: 論文2本の提出期日直前の不具合で合ったために、緊急のデータ復旧と修理が必要になった。故障後一日でデータを復旧し、3日でPCの修理をすることが出来たため、無事に投稿予定の論文を期日以内に提出することが出来た。
Advisor: Ryo Akama / Ritsumeikan University Professor
FY2012 (Application No.: 2012WYYR03)
Nao Shikanai / Ritsumeikan University Postdoctoral fellow
Research Group: Digital Archiving Technology
Objectives and Plans that You Applied: 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2012) に参加する.Special Session “the Art of Humanities Computing” にて,“Kansei information and movement characteristics related to the joy dance” という口頭発表を行う.
Period When You Used the Grant: 2012/08/08 - 2012/08/10
Advisor: Kozaburo Hachimura / Ritsumeikan University Professor
FY2012 (Application No.: 2012WYYR02)
 / Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO) Postdoctoral fellow
Research Group: Digital Archiving Technology
Objectives and Plans that You Applied: SIGGRAPH2012(8月5日~9日,アメリカ・ロサンゼルス)でポスター発表を行う。「祇園祭バーチャル山鉾巡行」に関する研究を世界中の研究者に紹介する。
Period When You Used the Grant: 2012/08/05 - 2012/08/09
Advisor: Kozaburo Hachimura / Ritsumeikan University Professor
FY2012 (Application No.: 2012WYYR01)
Vanessa Tothill / Ritsumeikan University Postdoctoral fellow
Research Group: Japanese Culture
Objectives and Plans that You Applied: Photographing Yakusha-e from the private collection at the Japanese Ukiyoe Museum (JUM) in Matsumoto, Nagano. These images are essential to my research and will be added to the Ritsumeikan Ukiyo-e database.
Period When You Used the Grant: 2012/04/07 - 2012/04/08
Advisor: Ryo Akama / Ritsumeikan University Professor