November 18, 2011

INKE Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in a Digital Age: Text and Beyond

The following presentation was made at the INKE Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in a Digital Age: Text and Beyond conference.


Date: November 18, 2011 (Friday)

Location: Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus, Soshikan Hall

Title: “Digital Archiving of Printing Blocks and Bibliography Based on It”

Presenter: Takaaki Kaneko

November 5, 2011

Japan Society of Publishing Studies Fall 2011 Meeting

The following presentation was made at the Japan Society of Publishing Studies Fall 2011 Meeting.


Date: November 5, 2011 (Saturday)

Location: Chukyo University, Nagoya Campus

Title: “The Role of Woodblocks in Early Modern Publishing: The Function of Blank Woodblocks”

Presenter: Takaaki Kaneko