By Alejandro Toledo
Recently I participated in DH2010, the annual international conference for digital scholarship in the humanities, sponsored by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. DH2010 was hosted at King’s College London by the Centre for Computing in the Humanities and the Centre for e-Research, with the support of the School of Arts and Humanities, Information Services and Systems, and the Principal, Professor Rick Trainor. At DH2010, I participated in a paper session whose theme was Visual Art/Visualization, the chair Prof. Charles van den Heuvel, and my paper’s title Contexts, Narratives, and Interactive Visual Analysis of Names in the Japanese Hyohanki Diary. This paper was based on a previous research presented at DH2009 at the University of Maryland, US.
e-mail: alex[at]ice.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp
URL: http://www.ice.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp/~alex/
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: DH2010
このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_gcoe/mt-tb.cgi/3429
- 最近のエントリー
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