September's Grand Kabuki Performance - Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees Full Lenght Performance


Sep 2 (Thu) ~ 27 (Mon)
Midday Session 11:00~
Evening Session 16:15~


Minami-za Kabuki Theater, Kyoto


Special Seats 19.000 yen
1st Class Seats 17.000 yen
2nd Class A Seats 10.000 yen
2nd Class B Seats 8.000 yen
3rd Class Seats 5.000 yen

Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees

Featuring Ichikawa Ebizo and Bando Tamasaburo.

Midday Session

1. Prologue. Act 2. Scene 1. Torii Mae (Before the gate of the Fushimi Inari shrine)
2. Act 2. Scene 2. Tokaiya. (At the Tokaiya shop)
3. Act 2. Scene 4. Daimotsu Ura (At the Daimotsu bay)
4. Act 4. Scene 1. Miyuki Hatsune no Tabi (The travelling hand drum travel-dance)

Evening Session

1. Act 3. Scene 1. Ko no Mi (The chinquapin of the lower village of Ichimura)
2. Act 5. Scene 1. Sushi-ya (The Tsurubei sushi shop)
3. Final Stage. Act 6. Scene 1. Kawatsura Hogen Yakata (In Kawatsura Hogen's palace)

Summary in English.

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