Time: May 27 (Sun) 5 pm & May 28 (Mon) 1 pm and 5 pm
Place: Kyoto Minami-za
Performance contents:
1) Dojoji Suite
2) Yashima
3) Kisen
4) Funabenkei in Noh and Nagauta
5) Ishibashi in Noh and Kabuki

Kyoto Minami-za Sankyokai Performance
The Sankyokai Troupe has as its aim to explore the borders between Noh and Kabuki and it is characterisitc of it that the Noh repertoire is activated as an inextinguishable source for inspiration.
1st class seats: 10.500 yen
2nd class seats: 6.300 yen
3rd class seats: 4.200 yen
Special seats: 12.600 yen
TrackbackURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_field/mt-tb.cgi/4155