DH-JAC2009 The 1st International Symposium on Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures



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≪ List of Profiles

Masanori Aoyagi

Director, National Museum of Western Art; Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo.

Archaeologist of Ancient Greece and Rome. Ph.D. in Literature.

1967 Graduated from the Department of Art History, the University of Tokyo.
1969-1972 Studied art history and archaeology of Ancient Greece and Rome in the University of Rome.
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, then Chair, Dean, and finally Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tokyo before becoming the Director of the National Museum of Western Art.

Excavated Roman villas in 1974-78, 1980-86, 1992-2003, and 2002 on.
Also interested in Pompeian murals and ancient Roman cities, and authored many books. Awarded “Porto Empedocle,” “Sebetia-Ter,” etc.

■ Message

This is an extremely timely symposium.


Analogue and Digital Information in the Humanities

Since 1999, funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, I had created highest-quality digital image archives of murals in Pompei, Italy. At the same time, I produced a video, computer graphic reconstruction of Casa di Jiulio Polibio. These research projects let me realize that digitalized information has rather crucial vulnerability in its record preservation aspect, which led to my 2006 publication of Pompei (Regiones VI-VII) -Insula Occidentalis. I will elucidate why I made this publication, a catalogue of murals in Pompei, by comparing analogue and digital information.