DH-JAC2009 The 1st International Symposium on Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures



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Richard C. Beacham

Professor of Digital Culture, King’s College London

Professor of Digital Culture, King’s College London, 2005 ongoing.
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Professor of Theatre Studies, University of Warwick, 1976-2005.
“Museum Scholar”, J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1994.
Visiting Professor, Yale University, 1979; 1982-83.
Visiting Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1989.

Academic Qualifications:
D.F.A. in Theatre History, Dramatic Literature, and Dramaturgy, Yale School of Drama, Yale University.(1973)
B.A. in History from Yale University. (1968)

■ Selected Publications

1987: Adolphe Appia. Theatre Artist, Cambridge University Press.
1989: Adolphe Appia. Essays. Scenarios and Designs, U.M.I. Research Press.
1992: The Roman Theatre and its Audience, Harvard University Press.
1993: Adolphe Appia: Texts on Theatre, Routledge Press.
1994: Adolphe Appia. Artist and Visionary of the Modern Theatre, Harwood Press.
1999: The Spectacle Entertainments of Early Imperial Rome, Yale University Press.
2006: Adolphe Appia. Kunstler und Visionar des Modernen Theaters, Alexander Verlag.
In Press: Living Theatre: Roman Theatricalism in the Domestic Sphere, Co-author Hugh Denard, Yale University Press.

■ Message

My colleagues and I in the King’s Visualisation Lab at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities are excited by the opportunity both to present our work to scholars working in related fields of humanities computer based research, and to see, discuss, and learn from examples of other important work taking place internationally. We welcome the kind invitation to develop closer ties and indentify and pursue opportunities for very attractive and promising collaborative research projects.


The Future of the Past: New Developments in Computer Based Cultural Heritage Research

This presentation will consider some recent work undertaken by the King's Visualisation Lab and its international partners creating virtual objects and architecture embodying and enabling cultural heritage research. These projects also undertake new pedagogical explorations of real time multi-user online environments, and in particular the Second Life Virtual World. Current work in progress includes “Theatron 3”, the building and decoration of some 25 major historical theatres, together with relevant scenery, costumes and performance activities. Other KVL led projects focus on the first scientific survey and publication of the “Roman Villa of Oplontis”, near Pompeii (which will be realised both in a highly detailed 3D model, and a Second Life version), and work on the “Theatres at Pompeii” -including the depiction of virtual performance- arising from our collaborative archaeological investigations with the University of Melbourne.