1st Hirosan Kai Noh Performance

Date and Time

Nov 7 (Sun)


Otsuki Nohgakudo


All Seats Non Reserved
General 6.000 yen (7.000 yen on the day)
Students 3.000 yen (3.500 yen on the day)

Navigator: Katsura Kichibo

Shimai Dance: Tama no Dan (The Jewel Scene)
Performed by Yamamoto Akihiro

Mai-shimai Dance: Futari Shizuka (The Two Shizukas)
Performed by Umewaka Gensho and Otsuki Bunzo

Noh: Kinuta (The Fulling Block)
Performed by Yamamoto Hiromichi

Rodoku (recitative reading): Kinuta (The Fulling Block)
Read by Matsumoto Kayoko

On the same day, on the lobby of the Noh theater, an exhibition of Noh masks and paintings will be hold.

Information 06-6761-8055

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