DH-JAC2009 The 1st International Symposium on Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures



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Seiya Tsuruta

Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University; G-COE Research Assistant

Born in 1977. Master of Engineering. Research areas: Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality.

My current research interests include virtual reality, motion capture and character animation.

■ International Conferences

Seiya Tsuruta, Yamato Kawauchi, Woong Choi, Kozaburo Hachimura: "Real-Time Recognition of Body Motion for Virtual Dance Collaboration System", 17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2007), November, 2007. Proceedings (Esbjerg, Denmark).


Extraction of Emotional Information from Music for Virtual Dance Collaboration System

We have been proposing a Virtual Dance Collaboration System. In the proposed system, so far, while a live dancer dances to the music, a virtual dancer does so by selecting motion clips that are stored in a motion database. However, music affects dance greatly. When music changes during a dance collaboration, the virtual dance collaboration system is necessary to change the virtual dancer's motion. In this research, we aim at regenerating a virtual dancer's motion based on emotional information extracted from music.