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Results 11 - 20 of 2,543 for 明治座 (0.26 sec)

  1. 近代歌舞伎年表 京都編(明治40~大正01) - BN00318242-02-05

    国立劇場近代歌舞伎年表編纂室編 - 1999 (平成11)
    出版社等: 八木書店

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  2. 博多興行史 明治篇(十)(最終回) - AN1016565X-43-75-97

    武田 政子、狩野 啓子、岩井 眞實 - 2009 (平成21)
    出版社等: 歌舞伎学会

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  3. 近代歌舞伎年表 京都編(明治35~明治39) - BN00318242-02-04

    国立劇場近代歌舞伎年表編纂室編 - 1998 (平成10)
    出版社等: 八木書店

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  4. AN1016565X-29-60-84

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  5. 寿の字海老 - BN09821704

    市川寿海(3世) - 1960 (昭和35)
    出版社等: 展望社

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  6. 大津市歴史博物館研究紀要 - AN1046944X-04

    大津市歴史博物館 - 1996 (平成08)
    出版社等: 大津市歴史博物館

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  7. AN1016565X-36-90-104

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  8. AN1016565X-39-97-110

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  9. 木戸哀楽 : 新派九十年の歩み - BN15238442

    柳永二郎(著) - 1977 (昭和52)
    出版社等: 読売新聞社

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

  10. 演芸画報総索引 - BN01526595-3

    国立劇場芸能調査室(編) - 1977
    出版社等: 平凡社

    For detailed information regarding the viewing and access of images, please see the Visitor's Guide.

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