03.02 'T Eilandje Desima Verblyf Plaats der Hollanders in Japan (Dejima Island, the residence of the Dutch in Japan)

イギリス人Thomas Salmonが著した『Modern history: or present state of all nations』(vol. 1) London, 1725という本のオランダ語訳に所収されている図で、オリジナルの英語版には、この図はない。これは、18世紀初頭の出島図で、各施設に符号を付して、下にその解説がある。病院(24)や風呂場(19)薬局(6)等の厚生施設もあるが、大部分が倉庫(A)であったことがうかがえる。

During the Edo period, Dutch traders were confined to the small island of Dejima in Nagasaki. This bird's-eye view of the island indicates the function of each building. For the welfare of the inhabitants there was an infirmary, a bathhouse and a pharmacy. The majority of the buildings, however, were storehouses. This illustration appeared in the Dutch version, published by Isaak Tirion, of Thomas Salmon's Modern History: or, the present state of all nations published in London in 1725. The original English publication did not contain this engraving, copied from a manuscript by Voogt, who was second-in-command on Dejima in 1713.