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Bicycle Trailer - Choosing The Right One

If you have watched the vintage Batman tv series, you'd notice that Robin rides with Batman in a compartment connected to the side of Batman's bike. A bicycle trailer works just the same, with the exception that the bicycle is powered manually. Even though a bicycle trailer isn't powered by any motor, a decent trailer is really capable of hauling items which are almost half a tonne! Much like everything else in everyday life, one is spoiled for choice with regards to deciding on the best trailer for their bike.

Stability vs. Speed

These trailers may come either with a single wheel or two wheels. The previous has a wheel placed at the rear-mounted end from the trailer. Because the load only passes through one wheel, the net carrying capacity from the trailer is fixed. However, having one wheel can also be much more stable particularly when the bicycle is cornering around a bend or going at relatively high speeds. On the other hand, two wheels make up for the lack of speed and stability when you are able to carry heavier loads and may in good physical shape bulkier items. To avoid getting stuck, do your very best to cycle around narrow spaces if you choose to ride with a two-wheel bicycle trailer.


Carrying Bulky and high Items

Should you go for ready-made bicycle trailers, you will find that there are already lots of designs that may carry as much as fourteen to some whopping a hundred and forty kilograms of load at any time. Amazing enough, you can also order custom-built trailers that may carry even heavier loads. If you are carrying live objects instead, there are some pointers you need to consider. For example, if you are carrying your dog inside your bicycle trailer, do note that only promising small to medium dog should fit in a clip due to comfort issues.

Carrying Live Objects

If you're carrying children, you certainly want to purchase a robust trailer with wide spaced wheels to better tackle cornering manoeuvres. As always, having a seat belt is a must. It might apt to be best if the child seemed to be equipped with head gear and the trailer includes a rain-proof cover in addition to padding for comfortable seating.