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Mind Machines - An excellent Tool For Spiritual and Mental Self Development

Mind machines in many cases are referred to as sound and light machines and are brilliant tools for mental development. When i first came across them about Ten years ago and I did occasionally use them as part of therapy sessions with my hypnosis patents. They've seriously a good deal in recent years and could be used safely and effectively at home for therapeutic, learning enhancement and just purely recreational. In the following paragraphs I will try to provide you with a brief overview around the benefits and also the states of consciousness you can easily reach with this tool.

The brain has four types of brain wave that may be recorded or perhaps in the use of a mind machine accessed at will. They are usually related to the level of engagement and concentrate of the person, from Beta to Delta state. We even access these states while asleep, an individual sleep pattern is 90 minutes, REM or rapid eye movement is really a well know state that all of us access when actively dreaming, this is related to theta brainwaves.

Beta brainwaves are between 15 and 40 cycles per second and are the most engaged state of mind. When we were really centered on an activity, say speaking in public, we would normally maintain very high gang of Beta state.

mind machine review

Alpha state is the next stage, if we pass lower cyclic rate, normally around 9 to 14 cycles per second. This is a state related to spiritual or meditative state of mind, also incidentally using the hypnotic state. Obviously the ability to access this level of consciousness without years of training with only a mind machine has a lot of advantages. Lots of people use mind machines to speed up their psychic or spiritual development, turning many years of work into months.

We have the next stage down which is Theta, around 5 to eight cycles per second. Most of us have accessed this stage when doing a repetitive action; we get to sleep right into a daydream. This is used to access deeper spiritual realms, I have tried personally this level for shamanic path working and had excellent results.

Finally we've the Delta state, at the smallest cyclic state of 0.5 to 4 cycles per second. This level of brainwave activity would normally be related to deep dreamless sleep. It's also been associated with the very deepest state of meditation, to learn this degree of meditation would take many, many years of practice.

I am sure exploring the different states easily achievable by most people with a mind machine you can see what useful tools these are. I love the flexibleness from the vast range of mind machines available, from already programmed basic basic level completely up to professional machines you may also create your own personal programs for. Like a tool for spiritual and mental development, they try taking some beating; I am still finding new techniques and uses for mine a long time later. As a professional therapist I would not hesitate to add this to my tool chest, Home theater system . can think of uses I haven't even thought of for any mind machine.