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Initially when i first started trading the stock market, there was not the wealth of information available online like there is today. I just read a lot of books and learned the terms and thought I knew everything essential to make my fortune trading the marketplace. I found a discount broker and started plugging away, and immediately lost my shirt.

Even though I'd read these same tips in numerous places, I truly didn't comprehend the importance of them until I had learned them the hard way. As they say, experience is the best teacher, should you survive the lesson.

These are stuff that If only I had really used initially when i first started trading.

1. Never invest money you cannot manage to lose.

2. Never invest money you're afraid to lose. If you're too uptight, you are certain to make bad decisions.

3. Never buy a stock you receive within an unsolicited email or in a mass mailing. Many times, these grow to be inexpensive, thinly traded penny stocks that someone is trying to function up the price and dump them.

4. Many of them time, you shouldn't buy stocks at the open of the market. The very first hour of the trading day typically provides extensive volatility. Stocks often stabilize after the first hour; you can end up paying too much looking to get a regular, only to get it settle down in price 30 minutes later.

5. Like a new investor, never buy stocks on margin. It's OK to have a margin account; just avoid using the margin until you have enough knowledge to keep yourself out of trouble.


6. Don't be concerned if you think you simply missed the largest trade of the season. Never chase a regular trying to get on board, if you wait 30 minutes, another trade will come along that's just like lucrative. (This one tip would have saved us a fortune)

7. Learn how to use a trailing stop. Soon after buying a stock, include a stop-loss order, and keep raising the stop limit. This can preserve your gains, but more to the point will preserve your capital.

8. Never buy til you have determined when you are likely to sell. You should know what point you will pay a small loss and move on. When you buy, keep that stop loss point; never change this point within the heat of the battle, since this is guaranteed to be expensive for you.

9. Never get greedy. The old market saying is Bears earn money, Bulls make money, Hogs get slaughtered is extremely true.

10. Don't treat the stock exchange like it is the private Las Vegas gambling casino. It's OK for a little part of your portfolio to gamble, but it's called investing for a reason.

If you follow these simple tips, they will save you a few of the misery which i went through at the start of my trading career. Try not to get caught up throughout the data overload that is coming to you from all directions. Slow down, there'll plenty of good trades open to you tomorrow, in case your trading capital continues to be available.