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番外編 ランチタイム・セミナー

 "Digital Depth: The Role of the Humanities in the Digital Revolution."

講師:Dr Ken Coates(Professor of History and Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)

日時:2008年6月24日(火) 11:00~12:00(予定)
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム


【要 旨】
The advent of advanced information technologies has revolutionized many aspects of private and public communication, commerce, politics and social affairs. The Humanities disciplines have yet to capitalize in full on the opportunities and challenges of the digital age.  This paper will introduce the Canada Project, an initiative to digitize all of the material ever published on Canada (books, journals, manuscripts, newspapers, movies, television and radio programs, photographs, maps, images and manuscripts). This ambitious undertaking is a unique blend of private sector, government (Library and Archives Canada) and academic contributions.  Digitization, however, is only the initial phase of a comprehensive project. The larger goal is to explore the cultural, nation-building, academic/educational, research, entertainment and commercial opportunities associated with mass digitization.   Digital projects of this type have the potential to create real digital depth, producing data rich countries that can integrate culture, information, technology and humanistic understanding.

