DH-JAC2009 The 1st International Symposium on Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures



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Atsuko Ōya

Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University; Research Assistant of Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan GCOE Center

M.A. in Japanese Literature
My study field is Japanese film history.
My research theme is film history in the Taisho era. I am researching about showing of the films featuring Onoe Matsunosuke. As a member of Kyoto Culture Group in the GCOE Program, I am participating in the project to construct an online search system for movie programs in the Taisho era. I am also planning to add more information about film showing and other theatrical programs from the Kyoto Hinode Shinbun into the database.

■ My articles includes

"A Study of Onoe Matsunosuke’s Pageant in Kyoto," in Suzaku: Bulletin of The Museum of Kyoto, The Museum of Kyoto, No.19, pp.39-57, 2007;
"The Relation of Onoe Matsunosuke's Stage and Motion Picture," in Art Research, Ritsumeikan University Art Research Center, Vol.6, pp.103-114, 2006; and
"Onoe Matsunosuke’s Filmography," in Matsunosuke Onoe: The First and the Greatest Movie Star of Japan, Independent Administrative Institution National Museum of Art/National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, pp.33-57, 2007.


Handling of Non-film Materials in the Makino Mamoru Collection of C.V. Starr East Asian Library at Columbia University

From October to December, 2008, as an intern I arranged the Makino Mamoru Collection with some archivists in C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. This collection includes a lot of books, magazines and other non-film materials about Japanese film history from the prewar to the postwar era. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the non-film materials in this collection and propose a plan for their database.