A. データベース一覧/ Databases

カリフォルニア大学バークレー校C. V. スター東アジア図書館では、2006年以来立命館大学アート・リサーチセンターのご協力を得て日本関連館蔵資料のデジタル化に取り組んでまいりました。このポータルは、これらの日本古典籍デジタル資料の研究、教育、探求を支援するため一般公開するものです。このポータルでは、ARCが撮影した資料画像のみならず、他の研究機関から提供されたデジタル画像も検索できます。新しい資料も随時追加してまいります。
Since 2006, the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, University of California, Berkeley has been engaged in collaboration with the Art Research Center of Ritsumeikan University to digitize parts of the Library's Japanese collections. This portal provides free access to digital surrogates of these rare and historical sources related to Japan for research, teaching, and exploration. In addition to those digitized by the ARC researchers, the portal also provides access to digital images provided by other research institutes. New materials are added regularly.
銅版画:1855 年から1920年の間に様々な形態で流布した日本製銅版画約2,400点から成る。三井高堅 (1867-1945)旧蔵。
双六:江戸時代から大正時代にかけて製造された双六資料約150点から成る。三井高堅 (1867-1945) 旧蔵。
This portal covers following digital collections:
Old and Rare Books: A small selection from the Library's Edo printed books and manuscripts collections, mostly from the Mitsui collection acquired in 1950. The collection includes the links to digital images of 760 titles in the Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works provided by National Institute of Japanese Literature.
Copperplate Prints: Consists of ca. 2,400 individual prints produced in Japan between 1855 and 1920, distributed in various formats. The collection originally owned by Mitsui Takakata (1867-1945).
Sugoroku Sheets: Consists of ca. 150 sugoroku sheets produced in Japan in the Edo through the Taisho periods. The collection originally owned by Mitsui Takakata (1867-1945).
Fine Art Auction Catalogs: A small selection from the Library's art auction catalog collection printed during the Meiji through the Showa periods, mostly from the Mitsui collection.