
Now open to accept author registrations for the bulletin Art Research, Vol. 21 (※The application is closed) - イベント情報

Now open to accept author registrations for the bulletin Art Research, Vol. 21 (※The application is closed)


The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, is pleased to announce that the publication of the 21st volume of its annual research bulletin Art Research is scheduled for mid-March 2021.

This bulletin has the purpose of disseminating the results of the research projects conducted by the ARC to the public. Moreover, as an academic bulletin specialized in arts and culture, it has been attracting many contributors every year.

Since its establishment in 1998, the ARC has been awarded several national grants as a research center of excellence in culture, arts, and information science. Most recently, the ARC has been designated as an International Joint Usage / Research Center by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in October 2019.

We look forward to receiving your research results that meet the criteria below.

【Journal Name】「ART RESEARCH」Vol.21

【Format】A4, horizontal and vertical writing both in two-column sets

【Publication Date】Mid-March 2021(Scheduled)

【Content】Research papers and research notes related to culture, arts, and information science (e.g. research reports, introduction to materials, technical notes). It is particularly desirable if the theme of the research project fits with the research topics of the Art Research Center (ARC).

【Writing Guidelines】pdf.jpg 執筆要綱 (PDF: 186KB)

【Applying for Author Registration】

To submit a manuscript, please register as an author first. Kindly send us the following information by e-mail before the deadline. After the screening by the editorial committee, you will be notified whether you have been accepted for the author's registration.

Information to be submitted:

[1] Name (in Furigana)

[2] Affiliation

[3] Position

[4] Address for sending proofreading documents

[5] Phone number

[6] E-mail address

[7] Type of manuscript (research paper or research note)

[8] Title(s) (can be tentative)

[9] Summary (about 200 words)

Contact: arc-jimu■ (Attn: Ishimura, Nakamura)

Please change "■" to "@" in the e-mail. Please state「9/6執筆者登録応募」in the subject line.

Application Deadline: September 6, 2020 (Sunday), 24:00

※Please note that applications after the deadline are not accepted.

※Please contact the Art Research Center secretariat if you have any difficulty in submitting by e-mail.

※We will not use your personal information outside of editorial purposes for the "Art Research"-publication.


Sunday, September 6, 2020: Deadline for applying for author registration

Tuesday, 15 September: Notification of author registration

Tuesday, November 3: Deadline for submission of the manuscript

※After review of the manuscript by two reviewers, the editorial board will decide whether or not to publish it.

The publication is scheduled for mid-March 2020.


If you would like to receive back issues of the journal, please contact the Art Research Center. Those who wish to have them mailed to will be asked to pay for the postage. Thank you in advance for your understanding.


The Art Research Center secretariat (Attn: Nakamura)

[TEL] 075-466-3411 (ext. 511-2931)

[FAX] 075-466-3415 (ext. 511-2935)

[E-mail] arc-jimu■

Please change "■" to "@" in your email. Please state 「紀要問い合わせ」in the subject line.

【内容】文化・芸術・情報科学に関する論文、研究ノート(調査報告、資料紹介、技術ノートなど)など。アート・リサーチセンターに関わる研究 プロジェクトのテーマに合致するものは特に好ましい。
pdf.jpg 執筆要綱 (PDF: 186KB)

ご投稿には、あらかじめ執筆者登録が 必要になります。期日までに下記の必要事項をE-mailでお知らせください。編集委員会で審議の後、執筆者登録の採否を通知します。

項 目 [1] 氏名(ふりがな)
[2] 所属
[3] 役職
[4] 校正原稿などの送付先住所
[5] 電話番号
[6] E-mailアドレス
[7] 原稿種類(論文・研究ノート)
[8] タイトル(仮でもよい)
[9] 概要(200字程度)
申込先 arc-jimu■ (担当:石村、中村)
※■を@に直して、お送りください。 ※件名を「9/6 執筆者登録応募」としてください。
締切日 2020年9月6日(日) 24:00 〆切厳守
※E-mailでの応募が難し いかたは、アート・リサーチセンター事務局まで事前にご相談ください。
※論文・研究ノート以外の原稿に関しては、アート・リサーチセンター事務局 までご相談ください。


2020年9月6日(日) 執筆者登録応募〆切 〆切厳守
9月15日(火) 執筆者登録採否の通知予定
11月3日(火・祝) 原稿〆切 〆切厳守
2020年3月中旬 刊行(予定)

紀要のバックナンバーをご希望の方は、当センター までご連絡ください。郵送をご希望の方は、送料をご負担いただくことになります。あらかじめご了承ください。

アー ト・リサーチセンター事務局(担当:石村、中村)
[E- mail]arc-jimu■ ※■を@に直して、お送りください。 ※件名を「紀要問い合わせ」としてください。