
The Game Archive Project (GAP) was introduced in the Ritsumeikan University's Research Report RADIANT - イベント情報

The Game Archive Project (GAP) was introduced in the Ritsumeikan University's Research Report RADIANT

hosoi_gap.PNGThe Ritsumeikan University Game Archive Project (GAP) was launched by Prof. Koichi Hosoi, Deputy Director of the Art Research Center (ARC), when he was searching for a way to research games.

The GAP--an industry-academia collaboration between Kyoto Prefecture, Nintendo, and Ritsumeikan University--aims to organize and digital-archive games and game-related materials to preserve game culture and establish a system for public use

A story on this project has been featured in English in Issue #18 of Ritsumeikan University's Research Report RADIANT.

>> Read full article on the RADIANT-website (in English).