[Video available] ARC Faculty Members Prof. Koichi Hosoi and Prof. Keiji Yano Presented Research Activities at WEB 3.0/Metaverse Study Meeting on Aug 29
The Art Research Center (ARC) faculty members and deputy directors Professor Koichi Hosoi (College of Image Arts and Sciences, Ritsumeikan University) and Professor Keiji Yano (College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University) participated in the WEB 3.0/Metaverse Study Meeting organized by Kyoto Chiesangyo Sozonomori on August 29, 2022.
This event provided an opportunity to learn about research in academia and actual business case studies in the Web 3.0/metaverse field, which has been gaining momentum in recent years, to uncover Web 3.0/metaverse-related seeds through industry-academia-government collaboration, start-ups, and ventures, and to trigger new trends towards the creation of new businesses.
Professor Hosoi held a keynote speech on the next-generation internet world as seen through the XR/metaverse. Professor Yano introduced his research with the case study on the construction of Virtual Kyoto using GIS.
The full event video is available below.