
【募集は締め切らせていただきました】第10回「知識・芸術・文化情報学研究会」の開催について/発表者募集(〆切:2021年1月12日) - イベント情報



応募締切: 2021年1月12日(火)までに、論題と研究要約(200字以内)を添えて、
発表資料: 発表資料提出の要領は締め切り後、発表者に連絡します。
発表時間: 20分程度(含質疑応答時間)。ただし発表者数により調整する。
参 加 費: 無料

The Forum for Knowledge, Arts and Culture in Digital Humanities was launched in 2011 as a platform for presentations and exchange mainly among postgraduate students and young researchers interested in the digital humanities research in arts, culture, and other related fields, and it has held nine research meetings until today.

This meeting offers an opportunity for participants to discover new research themes and methods through human interaction in different fields, and we also welcome exploratory and adventurous presentations that are slightly different from conventional conference presentations.

Date: Saturday, February 13, 2021

*The schedule will be adjusted according to the number of presenters.

Participation method: Online meeting

Research fields:

1. Research in the arts and culture and other fields using information technology

2. Research in information technology that can be applied to arts, culture, and other fields

Samples of research presentation content:

1. Structural analysis, modeling, visualization, and knowledge discovery of information and knowledge in the arts and other fields

2. Representation, production, organization, database construction, retrieval, and provision of information and knowledge in the arts and other fields

3. E-publishing, digital libraries, digital museums and art galleries

4. Terminology in the arts and other fields, thesaurus

5. Distribution and intellectual ownership of information and knowledge in the arts and other fields

6. Open data, data publishing, linked data

7. The Internet, Semantic Web, Web x.0, etc.

8. Other research and development related to information and knowledge for a wide range of cultures

Organizer: The Forum for Knowledge, Arts, and Culture in Digital Humanities

Facilitators (in alphabetical order): Ryo AKAMA (Ritsumeikan University), Naoki TAKUBO (Kinki University), Takehiko MURAKAWA (Wakayama University)

Co-organizer: The Kansai Division of the Art Documentation Society and the Kansai Division of the Japan Society of Information and Knowledge

In cooperation with the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.