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I have seen with delight the way that religion, when properly practised, helps people live a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life. But we are all aware of people who have done something totally unholy with their religion; those we call fanatics, people who fit in with shady cults, and so on. Indeed one of the main reasons people dislike religious cults is that often, their leaders victimize the vulnerable, whose lives get destroyed along the way, as documented within the press over the last few decades.

So, will you be happy to send a vulnerable person to such a fanatic? Would you trust a religious fanatic with matters of the mind?

Of course, we must first define this is of fanatic. There's a massive difference between a professional therapist who is a pious god-loving person and someone who twists religion to warrant their judgement of others. When this is really a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or counsellor, it may be scary. A mental health worker cannot be fanatical about anything whilst undertaking the work they do. Treatments are there to help the client find their very own solutions (not imposed solutions that suit the therapist), and come to some host to peace. Plus some would state that surely if your mental health worker were properly trained, they'd know to keep their opinions and emotions out of the therapy. And that is certainly the perfect.

psychotherapist central london

I had been helping a vulnerable and suicidal client who was also seeing a counsellor. I called the counsellor from time to time in order to make sure we were helping the client in the most effective way as a team. This very vulnerable and suicidal client had the utmost rely upon the counsellor. However, I was not happy about the way the counsellor appeared to be making the client have shame and feel inferior. I thought surely this is not the therapist's doing, so I called the counsellor in order to see how we together can help the client feel happy with herself rather than ashamed, still not believing the counsellor was the cause. As it turns out the counsellor would be a religious fanatic who strongly disapproved of the client and looked recorded on the client. So, somehow, my client had picked up on that. So aside from attempting to placate the counsellor, there is nothing I possibly could do. Sadly, the client's parents pulled the client off my program, because counselling is much more accepted and known that EFT, that we was enhancing the client with, and also the client remains abused by their psychotherapist in insidious ways, as far as I know. So long as this continues, I am unable to begin to see the client recovering.

One solution that I can consider is the fact that mind workers ought to be transparent and declare their beliefs in their literature and before the client sees them for the first time. Then the client can make an educated decision. The therapist may also in that way not have to be triggered by clients whose biology, genetic make-up, or opinions, are opposed to the therapist's beliefs.