Single Strophe Arias

Performance by kyogen actor Shigeyama Doji and actor Izawa Haruhi
Arranged by the recitation circle Tachiaishi of 2001

Date and Time

May 29 (Fri) 7 pm


Livehouse Takutaku


Entrance fee:
3.000 yen (one drink free)

Traditional Dance by Upstarts and Stars-Society for the Appreciation of Japanese Music

Performance content:
Jiuta song, Kamigata dance, Nagtauta dance, Jiuta dance, Chikuzen biwa music, Kiyomoto dance

Date and Time

May 16 (Sat) 1 pm


Kokuritsu Bunraku Gekijo


Entrance fee:
General public: 4.200 yen
Students: 2.900 yen