2024.3.27 Salon workshop

Topic: A Typical Amateur Haijin, and a Uniquely Important Amateur Haijin
Scot Johnson(スコット・ジョンソン)

Abstract: This presentation introduces what an amateur haijin is in the nineteenth century. Kishо̄ is one of the 48 haijin poets who contributed to the making of a large haikai surimono in Osaka in the 1820s. From Ōmi Province, specifically Kagamimura at the base of Kagamiyama, His real name is Tamao Tōzaemon, a rice farmer, and seller of fish fertilizer. He studied haiku by correspondence with a series of teachers: a priest from Miidera, Kitagawa Baika, a doctor at Nishi Honganji in Kyoto, and finally Oka Seibi, a master haijin in Osaka. Kishо̄ is a typical, but ambitious haijin who meets deadlines with his haiku, and pays his bills. However, because he lived in such a remote location, he treasured his contacts with his teachers so much that he became a historian's dream: He kept everything. And "everything" is housed at National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL). The speaker will show a few examples of this correspondence, and then the most important, a woodcut flyer from Oka Seibi, outlining the fees for large and small surimono.

趣旨:本発表では、十九世紀におけるアマチュア俳人の一例として、寄松に焦点を当てる。寄松は、文政三年(1820 年)に大坂で制作された一枚の俳諧摺物に貢献した 48 人の俳人の一人である。本名は玉尾藤左衛門、近江国鏡村の出身で、米の栽培と魚肥料の販売を生業としていた。彼は、三井寺の僧侶、京都の西本願寺の医師・北川梅価、そして大阪俳人・岡井眉らとの文通を通じて俳句の技法を学んだ。寄松は、期限を守り、支払いにも忠実な、典型的ながらも意欲的な俳人であった。しかし、遠隔地に居住していたため、師匠たちとの繋がりを特別に重視し、彼らとの交流記録を全て保持するという、歴史家にとっては非常に価値のある行為をした。その「すべて」は現在、国文学研究資料館に保管されている。この発表では、寄松と他の俳人たちとの間の通信例のいくつかと、特に重要な岡井眉による摺物の料金表を示す木版チラシを紹介する。

横谷賢一郎(Yokoya Ken'ichiro)

発表題目:義仲寺と俳諧摺物 円山四条派進出の一例
Topic: Gichū-ji and Haikai Surimono: A Prominent Example of Advancement in the Maruyama-Shijō


Abstract: This presentation will provide an overview centred on the haikai surimono by the Maruyama-school painter Nakashima Raishō. It will explore the haikai circles that supported the painters, thepainters who engaged with the haikai circles, and the high-quality haikai surimono that stand on parwith the hand-painted works of the Maruyama School in terms of engraving techniques, expression,and materials used.
(Translated by Sophie Gong)
