若手研究者助成金 執行報告

Panichkriangkrai Chulapong


助成年度: 2013年度通年募集(申請番号: 2013WYYR03)

執行期間: 2013年08月22日から2013年08月30日まで

Presentation at the Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing 2013, and participation in the twelfth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2013), Washington, DC, USA.

I made presentation at the Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing 2013, and participation in the twelfth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2013), Washington, DC, USA during August 25-28, 2013. I had a good opportunity for discussion with other researchers in document image analysis field in order to make an improvement of the research.

指導教員: 八村 広三郎 / 立命館大学 教授