若手研究者助成金 執行報告

キンカーン スックハナピバーン

立命館大学 衣笠総合研究機構 ポストドクトラルフェロー

執行期間: 2011年05月15日から2011年06月22日まで

In my presentation, I consider the visual analysis of visitors’ trajectories and propose a novel visualization approach in order to analyze their interests. In the experiments, I showed synthesized 36 visitors’ trajectories in a virtual gallery and extracted their interest by our proposed approach. Then, we presented the global information of multiple visitors in our visualization. The visualization shows the interesting degree at a particular item and/or within a specific time and/or in a given area. Both real museums and 3D virtual museums (such as Second Life) can use our visualization to design an effective exhibition.

Presentation at Digital Humanities 2011 (DH 2011) in Stanford University USA and Workshop on Digital Media and Digital Content Management (DMDCM 2011) in Hangzhou China

指導教員: ラック ターウォンマット / 立命館大学 教授