若手研究者助成金 執行報告

Alejandro Toledo Nolasco

立命館大学 衣笠総合研究機構 研究支援者

執行期間: 2009年06月19日から2009年06月26日まで

Grant Application :
1. When : from 06/19/2009 to 06/26/2009
2. Where : Maryland, USA
3. Purpose : To present the paper
4. Expense : Transportation : \133,449
Accommodation : \130,000
Registration fees : \20,000

In my opinion, the DH2009 conference was a great experience for several reasons. First, it was my first time giving a talk to an academic audience of such quality. In my experience, DH2009 gave me more confidence at researching on the combination of the fields of Information Visualization and Digital Humanities.

Concerning my presentation, I think I was able to communicate the main concepts of our paper, and according to the time available for the talk, I also think that I could use the time and contents effectively. I was not asked from the chair for observing the remaining time. I receive three questions. Two of them were similar to questions we had made ourselves during our weekly seminars. The first one: "why do you use that visualization technique and not others?". Second question: "what kind of proprocessing did you make on the data your system is based on?". In my opinion, I could give reasonable answers to those questions, although I had a problem to understand the third one. I think it was due to a limitation I had at that moment to understand the very fluent English. After the session I find the person who asked the question and then we had a talk to make clear the concepts she had in mind. Ultimately, I realized that it was about a suggestion more than a question itself.

Finally, according to the feedback received from some academics, and also to the contents of several interesting papers, I could perceive that there were similarities in some o \f the results provided by the presenters. Especially, in the context of visualization systems there is a strong trend in the use of that kind of tool tools on digital humanities artifacts, which means that we are aligned with the worldwide research tendencies.

Recently, our paper has been extended to be published in the Literary and Linguistic Computing Journal.

指導教員: Ruck Thawonmas / 立命館大学 教授