若手研究者助成金 執行報告

Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn

立命館大学 衣笠総合研究機構 ポストドクトラルフェロー

執行期間: 2009年09月06日から2009年09月12日まで

Purpose: Participation in the International Conference of Cyberworld 2009
Place: Bradford, UK
Duration: September 6-12, 2009

Expense claim:
1. Air ticket : \122,320
2. Accommodation for 6 nights at Hilton Bradford : \74,015
3. Transportation from Minami-Kusatsu to KIX : \7,520
4. Transportation from Heathrow to Bradford : \7,744

Daily activities:
9/7 Workshop in Geometric Algebra by Prof. John Vince
9/8 Workshop in Human modeling by Prof. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, and in Crowd computing by Prof. Daniel Thalmann
9/9-11 Conference sessions

Research objectives :
1. Purpose a novel content management system for museums in Second Life : 100% was proposed in this paper
2. Modularization the content management system into three sub-systems supporting all museum-like activities in Second Life : 100% was proposed in this paper
3. Purpose the technical approaches to analyze the visitors' behaviors : 25% was proposed in this paper and 75% will be written in the extended journal paper
4. Present the recommender systems for museums in Second Life : 100% was proposed in this paper
Research activities abroad :
1. Present the research paper : I presented my paper in Thursday 10th September in the main hall, the time retrained to 20 minutes. My paper was selected as the top 12 best papers for the extending journal paper, Virtual Reality, publised by Springer London
2. Attend all conference sections : I attended the whole conference days from Mon 7th to Fri 11th. Almost of attendants also stayed in the same hotel, Hilton Bradford. Therefore, I have a new social network in my research field containing several different institutes and countries.
This conference arranged very interesting talks by several well-known professors, such as Prof. Daniel Thalmann. That was a great opportunity to introduce myself and my researches.
3. Discuss the ongoing framework of digital museums : During this conference, I had a small talk with approximately twenty professors, researchers, Ph.D. students, editors and CEO from the company. Ms.Elif Ayiter who is an editor of Metaverse Crativity (www.intellectbooks.com), interested on my research and invited me to submit my paper to her journal.

指導教員: Ruck Thawonmas / 立命館大学 教授