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このたび、2014年度より文部科学省 共同利用・共同研究拠点に認定されたことを受け、デジタル・アーカイブ、データベース構築を基本としたボーンデジタル型研究手法によって、日本文化研究資源の活用研究を活性化するために、共同研究を募集します。共同利用・共同研究拠点の詳細・申請書類等はこちら→拠点内容
1. 京都盆地にある世界文化遺産や無形文化遺産相当の文化資源を対象とする研究
2. デジタル・アーカイブ技術や デジタル・ミュージアムの開発型研究
3. 海外の日本文化資源収蔵機関(博物館・美術館等)の収蔵品をデジタル・アーカイブし活用する研究(B)個別テーマ型
2015年 2月20日(金)正午必着
立命館大学 研究部 リサーチオフィス(衣笠)内
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (at を @に変えてください)選考および採否通知
選考にあたっては、以下の点に考慮して、評価いたします。○ 文化資源デジタル・アーカイブを用いた協働・連携が大きく展開できるか。
○ 異分野融合・文理融合研究の視野を充分に持っているか。
○ 国際展開が期待できるか。
○ 若手研究者(PD研究員・博士後期課程院生)の育成に寄与する取組か。
立命館大学 研究部 リサーチオフィス(衣笠)内
アート・リサーチセンター事務局 担当:岡本、服部(春)、池田
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (at を @に変えてください)※【2014年12月26月(金)~2015年1月5日(月)】は全学一斉休暇となります。休暇中のお問い合わせにつきましては、2015年1月6日(火)以降に対応させていただきます。
The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, has been vigorously promoting cooperative research between the humanities and cutting-edge information technology, whose research focuses on digital-archiving Japanese cultural properties, both tangible and intangible. In this fiscal year of 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, designated the ARC as a Joint Usage/Research Center. With the establishment of the Digital Archive Research Center for Japanese Cultural Resources, we are pleased to invite researchers to submit joint research proposals to facilitate research and/or utilization of Japanese cultural resources through their digital archiving and database building.
Research Themes
(A)The themes setup by the Center are as follows:
1. Joint research to take cultural resources in the Kyoto Basin as research subjects, such as World Cultural Heritages and intangible cultural heritages.
2. Joint research to develop technology for digital archiving and Digital Museums.
3. Joint research to digital archive and utilize Japanese art and cultural resources at museums abroad.(B)Open Themes/span>
Themes are open; please submit a research proposal to study the ARC's research materials or related subjects, which include Japanese history, historical GIS, Japanese art and crafts, Japanese literature, Japanese performing arts, Japanese movies, videogames, TV commercials.
If you would like to continue your research with the same theme as adopted in FY 2014, please apply for the "on-going research" category.
How to submit a proposal, i.e., "Joint Research Application Form"
Please submit the Form as an e-mail attachment. We will send you a confirmation mail by the next business day. If you did not receive the mail by then, please contact the office of Art Research Center in the following address.
Application deadline:
Noon (JST) on Friday, February 20, 2015
Submit to:
Submit to:
Office of the Art Research Center
Research Office at Kinugasa Campus
Ritsumeikan University
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (change "at" to @)Selection process and notification
The Joint Research Reviewing Committee of the Art Research Center will evaluate the research proposals. We will send out the evaluation results by e-mail in the end of March.
Please note that we place much value on the following points:- Whether or not a research team will be able to develop further collaboration with other researchers and institutions through digital archives of Japanese cultural resources;
- Whether or not a research team intends to integrate the humanities with science or other disciplines in its research plan.
- Whether or not a project can be developed internationally.
- Whether or not a project helps fostering young researchers, such as postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students
Contact us
H. Hattori, S. Okamoto, or M. Ikeda
Office of the Art Research Center
Research Office at Kinugasa Campus
Ritsumeikan University
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (change "at" to @)- Please note that Ritsumeikan University will be closed for New Year holidays from December 26, Friday to January 5, Monday. Therefore, we will respond to your inquiries after January 6, Tuesday, which we receive during the holidays.