SISJAC Digital Archives on Japanese Materials
About Us

ARC(Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University)は、SISJACとの学術協定の下、Sir H. Cortattzi 古地図コレクションや、浮世絵、古典籍などのSISJACが所蔵・管理する文化芸術資源のデジタル化とWEB公開を行ってきました。
このWEBサイトは、ARCのVirtual Instituteシステムを使って、これらのデジタルアーカイブをより分かりやすく活用・紹介するものです。

In 2000, the ARC concluded an academic exchange contract with SISJAC. Since then, the ARC has created comprehensive digital archives of the SISJAC collections of Japanese paintings, prints, illustrated books, decorative arts and old maps, and published the archives online through its website. These archives provide an environment for education, research, and outreach. The ARC's Virtual Institute system allowed for the creation of the website 'SISJAC Digital Archives on Japanese Materials', which included the digital exhibition of the Japanese maps staged in 2013. The intention was to allow for the fullest utilization of these archives and to make their contents easily accessible to as many people as possible.